Welcome to National Biodiversity Parks’ website; NBP together with partnering individuals, firms, institutions and governments, invests in, preserves and studies ecosystems, forests, biodiversity, sustainability and ecotourism. We are dedicated to providing people and companies an opportunity to preserve and economically benefit from lands that have valuable societal assets. These areas are best managed via integrated, sustainable practices that consider financial output inclusive of the preservation of pivotal natural resources such as aquifers, forests and biodiversity.
Explore our novel initiatives including a timely financial paradigm—Conservation Investing. We invite you, your family or your firm to directly participate in our rewarding projects. Please examine our varied biological and financial services, conservation projects, field trips and sustainable programs. National Biodiversity Parks (NBP) is also interested in your pertinent environmental and sustainable concepts and needs for partnership consideration.
NBP we help you get involved in
“Investments That Make a Difference!”
NBP together with partnering individuals, firms, institutions and governments, invests in, preserves and studies ecosystems, forests, biodiversity, sustainability and ecotourism.
Our services
We have varied Financial Conservation and Biological Services. Here are some Highlights:
We assist people researching and preserving biodiversity.
We assist people, businesses and governments enter and manage sustainable projects
We assist buyers and sellers of sustainable lands and projects.
We assist society in preserving valuable natural resources.
We Are
– A group of concerned citizens, scientists, conservationists and business operators interested in preserving and studying sustainable lands and biodiversity by offering novel services.
We believe that purchasing lands and managing them within a sustainable framework will accelerate the rate of land and biodiversity preservation while concurrently producing economic stability.
– A non-profit corporation acting as a partner, facilitator, liaison and consultant to individuals and firms that wish to become directly or passively involved in sustainable development, research and carbon sequestration.
We Have
– Developed unique services that allow individuals or firms to easily pool their capital and participate in the ownership of extremely valuable parcels of land by reducing risk and maximizing return via economies of scale.
– Developed a complete ecosystem of services that allows any potential seller or buyer of sustainable lands to more efficiently achieve their goals. We foster and incrementally build relationships between the various parties to reduce closing time.
– Initiated research, surveys, field trips, safaris and biodiversity rescues to help understand our valuable fauna and flora.
We Offer
-Sustainable land investments for individuals or firms, formation and management of partnerships, green mutual funds, services to mutual funds, real estate listing services for sellers and buyers, project design, Certification programs for products or firms, sustainable/ecotourism consulting and business plan preparation and partnerships with compatible firms.
-Biodiversity rescues, tours/safaris, bird guide, wildlife surveys and studies, endangered species studies, habitat restoration and management, wetland banks, deer and invasive species management, citizen science design, insect identification and Ivory-billed Woodpecker trips/reports.
Click on any of the above links to learn more or Contact us if you have specific questions regarding our Financial Services.
Visit Our Journal The Biodiversity River featuring news and articles
Ghana, West Africa – Exciting Proposal for a Sustainable Habitat and Biodiversity Restoration Project
Trends in Biodiversity measured via Bird Song Analysis during Ecological Restoration in South Mountain Reservation, Essex County, NJ
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Some of Our Projects and Services
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