International Projects

African offers substantial and important conservation challenges and opportunities. National Biodiversity Parks’ representatives have researched and visited Africa multiple times over the last 10 years. The spectacular scenery, parks and biodiversity of Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda in East Africa are well known but the lands outside of preserved areas are under severe development pressure.

Even designated conservation areas are under assault; for example recently “Tanzania had lost two-thirds of its once mighty elephant population in just four years, as demand from China for their ivory tusks sent a highly-organized army of rifle and chainsaw-wielding criminals into its game reserves.”

“I had never seen anything like that – there were carcasses everywhere, whole family groups on their sides, between three and seven animals, wiped out,” said Howard Frederick, part of a team conducting aerial surveys.

Tanzania features the greatest mammalian migration on Earth on the Serengeti Plain, the Ngorongoro Crater (The Garden of Eden), Mt. Kilimanjaro (the highest peak in Africa) and the Selous Game Reserve (largest reserve in Africa and perhaps the World). Uganda and Rwanda are home to the spectacular Mountain Gorilla, many disappearing primate species, incredible avidiversity that rivals the neotropics and many other species of plants and animals.

National Biodiversity Parks is the exclusive partner and US agent for an experienced safari firm (see NBP African Safari section) and we are exploring ways to lend support and partner with other organizations involved in land and biodiversity preservation. When you visit Tanzania you show support for local communities, ecotourism and biodiversity of global importance.
We are exploring future partnerships in Uganda and Rwanda.

NBP recently traveled to Rwanda and Uganda. Here are two recent articles on this expedition:

NBP is dedicated to preserving the incredible natural resources in East Africa; contact us if you would like to support our conservation efforts or travel to the area on safari. Please call us or fill out the form below and we will have our US based ecotourism representative who has been to several countries in East Africa contact you. Upon request in special situations we may also meet with your group personally to help plan your special, once in a life-time safari.

Please fill out the form below to assist us in developing or continuing conservation projects in East Africa.Please fill out the form below to inquire about our safaris to East Africa.

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Central American Projects

Central America has a very high relative biodiversity for its size. Several million years ago the area consisted of various peninsulas and islands each eventually evolving its own species. Gradually the land mass grew; the islands merged into Central America while rising and spreading even further eventually joining the two Americas.

Species not previously inhabiting the islands slowly established populations over millennia. The rising high mountains eventually provided the geographic isolation required for additional speciation on each side of the impressive ranges and the many large transverse ridges and valleys. The geologic lifting provided the raw material for speciation– segregation of populations from each other over long periods.

Over 1,560 species of birds, 557 species of reptiles and 498 species of amphibians have been observed in this incredible land. NBP has researched the area during 25 trips to Central America; there is a great need for further conservation efforts.

Here is an example of only some of the endemics of Central America:

Mainland Endemics of Costa Rica
Mangrove Hummingbird, Amazilia boucardi, Coppery-headed Emerald, Elvira cupreiceps; Black-cheeked Ant-Tanager,Habia atrimaxillaris.

Coco’s Island Endemics
Cocos Cuckoo, Coccyzus ferrugineus, Cocos Flycatcher, Nesotriccus ridgwayi; Cocos Finch, Pinaroloxias inornata .

Highlands Endemics of Costa Rica & Western Panama
Black Guan, Chamaepetes unicolor, Black-breasted Wood-Quail, Odontophorusleucolaemus, Chiriqui Quail-Dove, Geotrygonchiriquensis, Buff-fronted Quail-Dove, Geotrygoncostaricensis, Sulfur-winged Parakeet, Pyrrhurahoffmanni, Red-fronted Parrotlet, Touitcostaricensis, Bare-shanked Screech-Owl*3, Megascopsclarkii, Costa Rican Pygmy-Owl, Glaucidiumcostaricanum, Dusky Nightjar, Caprimulgussaturates, Fiery-throated Hummingbird, Panterpe insignis, Black-bellied Hummingbird, Eupherusanigriventris, White-tailed Emerald, Elvira chionura, Purple-throated Mountain-gem, Lamporniscalolaemus, White-throated Mountain-gem, Lamporniscastaneoventris, Magenta-throated Woodstar, Calliphloxbryantae, Volcano Hummingbird, Selasphorusflammula, Scintillant Hummingbird, Selasphorus scintilla, Orange-bellied Trogon, Trogon aurantiiventris, Prong-billed Barbet, Semnornisfrantzii, Ruddy Treerunner, Margarornisrubiginosus, Streak-breasted Treehunter, Thripadectesrufobrunneus, Silvery-fronted Tapaculo, Scytalopusargentifrons, Dark Pewee, Contopuslugubris, Ochraceous Pewee, Contopusochraceus, Black-capped Flycatcher, Empidonaxatriceps, Golden-bellied Flycatcher, Myiodynasteshemichrysus, Yellow-winged Vireo, Vireo carmioli, Silvery-throated Jay, Cyanolycaargentigula, Ochraceous Wren, Troglodytes ochraceus, Timberline Wren, Thryorchilusbrowni, Black-faced Solitaire, Myadestesmelanops, Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush, Catharusgracilirostris, Sooty Thrush, Turdusnigrescens, Black-and-yellow Silky-Flycatcher, Phainoptilamelanoxantha, Long-tailed Silky-Flycatcher, Ptilogonyscaudatus, Flame-throated Warbler, Parulagutturalis, Collared Redstart, Myioborustorquatus, Black-cheeked Warbler, Basileuterusmelanogenys, Wrenthrush (Zeledonia), Zeledoniacoronate, Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager, Chlorospinguspileatus, Spangle-cheeked Tanager, Tangaradowii, Peg-billed Finch, Acanthidopsbairdii, SlatyFlowerpiercer, Diglossaplumbea, Sooty-faced Finch, Lysuruscrassirostris, Yellow-thighed Finch, Pselliophorus tibialis, Large-footed Finch, Pezopetescapitalis, Volcano Junco, Junco vulcani, Black-thighed Grosbeak, Pheucticus tibialis; Golden-browed Chlorophonia, Chlorophoniacallophrys.
Pacific Lowlands Endemics – Southern Pacific Lowlands of Costa Rica & Western Panama
Costa Rican Swift*3, Chaeturafumosa, White-crested Coquette, Lophornisadorabilis, Garden Emerald*1, Chlorostilbonassimilis, Charming Hummingbird, Amazilia decora, Snowy-bellied Hummingbird, Amaziliaedward, Baird’s Trogon, Trogon bairdii, Fiery-billed Aracari, Pteroglossusfrantzii, Golden-naped Woodpecker, Melanerpeschrysauchen, Black-hooded Antshrike, Thamnophilusbridgesi, Turquoise Cotinga, Cotingaridgwayi, Yellow-billed Cotinga, Carpodectesantoniae, Orange-collared Manakin, Manacusaurantiacus, Black-bellied Wren*3, Thryothorusfasciatoventris, Riverside Wren, Thryothorussemibadius, Cherrie’s Tanager, Ramphoceluscostaricensis;Spot-crowned Euphonia, Euphoniaimitans.

Caribbean Slope Endemics – Ranges vary from Honduras to Panama
Black-eared Wood-Quail, Odontophorusmelanotis, Crimson-fronted Parakeet*2, Aratingafinschi, Snowcap, Microcheraalbocoronata, White-bellied Mountain-gem, Lampornishemileucus, Lattice-tailed Trogon, Trogon clathratus, Yellow-eared Toucanet*3, Selenideraspectabilis, Rufous-winged Woodpecker*2, Piculus simplex, Streak-crowned Antvireo, Dysithamnusstriaticeps, Thicket Antpitta*3, Hylopezusdives, Black-crowned Antpitta*3, Pittasomamichleri, Tawny-chested Flycatcher, Aphanotriccuscapitalis, Snowy Cotinga, Carpodectesnitidus, Bare-necked Umbrellabird, Cephalopterusglabricollis, Black-throated Wren, Thryothorusatrogularis, Stripe-breasted Wren, Thryothorusthoracicus,Black-and-yellow Tanager, Chrysothlypischrysomelas, White-throated Shrike-Tanager*2, Lanioleucothorax, Sulphur-rumped Tanager, Heterospingusrubrifrons, Blue-and-gold Tanager, Bangsiaarcaei,Plain-colored Tanager, Tangarainornata, Nicaraguan Seed-Finch, Oryzoborusnuttingi, Nicaraguan Grackle, Quiscalusnicaraguensis, Yellow-crowned Euphonia*2, Euphonialuteicapilla; Tawny-capped Euphonia *3, Euphoniaanneae .
*1 also present on Caribbean slope, *2 also present on Southern Pacific slope, *3 range extends to northwestern Colombia
Please fill out the form below to assist us in developing or continuing conservation projects in Central America. Please fill out the form below to inquire about our trips and tours to Central America.

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This beautiful and exciting country recorded its 1,900th bird species in 2013; there are 85 endemic birds calling this Holy Grail of birding home. It is the most avidiverse country in the world, with 1,903 species recorded by 2015.
The size of the country, high number of desired and endemic species and the nature of birding, where species present are not seen on a single visit, means multiple exciting trips are in your future. Colombia with its spectacular biodiversity, scenery, culture and people is a little piece of heaven. National Biodiversity Parks will offer trips that efficiently cover discreet areas of the country and someday a “Best of Tour” that may attempt to see a majority of the habitats and bird endemics.
“Significant improvements in the security situation in large parts of Colombia in recent years have led to a wave of tours by birdwatchers experiencing Colombia’s stunning bird diversity” said checklist coauthor, Alonso Quevedo. “With this increase in ecotourism and continuing explorations of remote regions by Colombian and other ornithologists, the bird list will doubtless grow further, highlighting the region as a key area for bird conservation.”
Despite its relatively small size, occupying ~ .8 % of the world’s landmass, Colombia boasts ~ 19% of the world’s species of birds (more than most continents including North America and Europe combined).
When studying patterns of zoogeography it is evident that both endemism and biodiversity are highest, often dramatically, in areas where temperatures are warm, rainfall above average, seasonality is limited, altitudinal variances exist and there are geographic barriers to animal movement. Although the latter impedes animals, over time geographic isolation must be present to create exceptional regional faunal speciation.

According to Fundación ProAves, Colombia leads Peru in second place with 1,838 species and Brazil in third place with 1,798 species. Using another measure, the number of species “confirmed” with photograph and specimen records, Colombia scores 1,850 bird species (exceeding Peru’s total of 1,762 and Brazil’s of 1,771).
The basic evolutionary mechanisms of mutation, migration, genetic drift, and natural selection — can produce major evolutionary change if given enough time. Geographic isolation can accelerate the effect of these mechanisms and, in some instances exponentially compound the number of species that eventually occur in one region.
Colombia has had the raw materials for biotic change and speciation for many millions of years, —-constant warm weather; substantial rainfall, partitioning of the region by a complex of mountain ranges—– and the associated high chaparral, cliffs, foothills, streams and valleys. Add in some oceans, coast, lakes and several large tributaries of the greatest watershed on Earth, with the Amazon, and the result is a spectacular show.
Specifically Colombia has diverse landscapes, which include three Andean ranges, two extensive inter-Andean valleys, the soaring Santa Marta Mountains and the Caribbean Coast, the Choco Bioregion along the Pacific Ocean, and a large portion of the Eastern Llanos Plains and the Amazon Rainforest.
In other words Colombia has these five distinct natural regions from roughly north to south: The Santa Marta Mountains and Caribbean Region, The Andean Region, the Pacific or Chocó Region, the Orinoquia or Llanos Region and the Amazon Region.
Colombia’s varied culture and history, diverse scenery, spectacular avidiversity, and gastronomic rewards have been difficult for guests to discover due to a long struggle that is coming to a conclusion. NBP works with various locals and government departments to review safety issues that are a concern to potential ecotourists. There has been great progress in the last few years in making almost all of the country safe for birding, and world travelers are again enjoying its treasures.

Although increased accessibility is welcomed it brings more threats to habitats. Each year Colombia loses nearly 200,000 hectares (500,000 acres) of natural forest, according to figures released by the United Nations in 2003. The true figure is higher since an estimated 100,000 hectares of primary forest are illegally cleared in some years. Loggers and farmers clear forests, which covers more than 80 percent of the country. Deforestation results primarily from small and large scale agricultural activities, logging, mining, energy development, infrastructure construction and the cocaine trade. Poaching and collecting of animals, erosion and pollution are also problems in the country as elsewhere.
The Choco Bioregion’s rainforests along the Pacific Ocean were and are under assault due to logging, gold mining and palm-oil plantations. It is estimated that in the mid-1990s, industrial gold mining with its mercury contamination and erosion cleared 80,000 hectares (200,000 acres) of forest per year. Over 66% of the forests in the Choco have been destroyed. Large development plans and the impending completion of the Pan American Highway threaten the biodiversity of the Choco and the lives of the many indigenous communities who have lived for thousands of years on the waterway’s shores.
The Amazon and Andean areas’ of lowland tropical forest are also suffering from African oil palm plantations, agriculture and ethanol production.
By visiting the wild areas of the country you support their preservation. Our local guides, community non-profits, stakeholders and Colombia’s lively people are enthusiastic about showcasing their wonderful birds………and country.
The various scientists, ornithologists, environmental and tourism stakeholders have been working hard to preserve areas and improve infrastructure in the many existing parks. The great majority of avian and endemic species can be viewed by the birder who has the spirit to make the enjoyable effort.
Please fill out the form below to assist us in developing or continuing conservation projects in Colombia. Please fill out the form below to inquire about our bird tours to Colombia.

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Number and Names of Endemic Bird Species of Colombia: 85
Non-Passerines (38):
Chestnut-winged Chachalaca,Ortalisgarrula, Colombian Chachalaca,Ortaliscolumbiana, Cauca Guan,Penelope perspicax, Blue-billed Curassow,Craxalberti , Chestnut Wood-Quail,Odontophorushyperythrus,Gorgeted Wood-Quail,Odontophorusstrophium, Colombian Grebe,Podicepsandinus, Bogota Rail,Rallussemiplumbeus, Tolima Dove,Leptotilaconoveri, Santa Marta Parakeet,Pyrrhuraviridicata, Brown-breasted Parakeet,Pyrrhuracalliptera, Barred Parakeet,Bolborhynchuslineola, Rufous-fronted Parakeet,Bolborhynchusferrugineifrons, Indigo-winged Parrot,Hapalopsittacafuertesi, Todd’s Nightjar,Caprimulgusheterurus, White-chested Swift,Cypseloideslemosi, Bogota Sunangel,Heliangeluszusii, Blossomcrown,Anthocephalafloriceps, Black-backed Thornbill,Ramphomicrondorsale, GorgetedPuffleg,Eriocnemisisabellae, Colorful Puffleg,Eriocnemis mirabilis, Black Inca,Coeligenaprunellei, White-tailed Starfrontlet,Coeligenaphalerata, Dusky Starfrontlet,Coeligenaorina, Santa Marta Woodstar,Acestruraastreans, Red-billed Emerald,Chlorostilbongibsoni, Chiribiquete Emerald,Chlorostilbonolivares, Santa Marta Sabrewing,Campylopterusphainopeplus, Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird,Amaziliacastaneiventris, Indigo-capped Hummingbird,Amaziliacyanifrons, Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird,Lepidopygalilliae, Blue-tailed Trogon,Trogon comptus, Sooty-capped Puffbird,Bucconoanamae, White-mantled Barbet,Capitohypoleucus, Five-colored Barbet,Capitoquinticolor, Grayish Piculet,Picumnusgranadensis, Beautiful Woodpecker,Melanerpespulcher; Choco Woodpecker,Veniliornischocoensis .

Passerines (47):
Silvery-throated Spinetail,Synallaxissubpudica, Rusty-headed Spinetail,Synallaxisfuscorufa, Streak-capped Spinetail,Cranioleucahellmayri, Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner,Automolusrufipectus, Recurve-billed Bushbird,Clytoctantesalixii, Parker’s Antbird,Cercomacraparkeri, MoustachedAntpitta,Grallariaalleni, Santa Marta Antpitta,Grallariabangsi, Cundinamarca Antpitta,Grallariakaestneri, Bicolored Antpitta,Grallariarufocinerea, Brown-banded Antpitta,Grallariamilleri, Santa Marta Tapaculo,Scytalopussanctaemartae, Pale-throated Tapaculo,Scytalopuspanamensis, Upper Magdalena Tapaculo,Scytalopusrodriguezi, Stiles’sTapaculo,Scytalopusstilesi, Brown-rumpedTapaculo,Scytalopuslatebricola, ParamilloTapaculo,Scytalopuscanus, Antioquia Bristle-Tyrant,Phylloscarteslanyoni, Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant,Myiotheretespernix, Apical Flycatcher,Myiarchusapicalis, Chestnut-capped Piha,Lipaugusweberi, Choco Vireo,Vireo masteri, Niceforo’s Wren,Thryothorusnicefori ,Santa Marta Wren,Troglodytes monticola, Apolinar’s Wren,Cistothorusapolinari, Munchique Wood-Wren,Henicorhinanegreti, Santa Marta Warbler,Basileuterusbasilicus, White-lored Warbler,Basileuterusconspicillatus, Yellow-crowned Redstartl,Myioborusflavivertex, Black-and-gold Tanager,Bangsiamelanochlamys, Gold-ringed Tanager,Bangsiaaureocincta, Black-cheeked Mountain-Tanager,Anisognathusmelanogenys, Multicolored Tanager,Chlorochrysanitidissima, Turquoise Dacnis-Tanager,Pseudodacnishartlaubi, Caqueta Seedeater,Sporophilamurallae, Chestnut-bellied Flower-piercer,Diglossagloriosissima, Sierra Nevada Brush-Finch,Arremonbasilicus, Santa Marta Brush-Finch,Atlapetesmelanocephalus, Yellow-headed Brush-Finch,Atlapetesflaviceps, Dusky-headed Brush-Finch,Atlapetesfuscoolivaceus, Antioquia Brush-Finch,Atlapetesblancae, Sooty Ant-Tanager,Habiagutturalis, Crested Ant-Tanager,Habiacristata, Mountain Grackle,Macroagelaiussubalaris, Red-bellied Grackle,Hypopyrrhuspyrohypogaster, BaudoOropendola,Gymnostinopscassini; Velvet-fronted Euphonia,Euphoniaconcinna .